Project Details

Proposed project name: EdTech Contest


A number of schools in Uganda today have access to the Internet and to computers. The challenge today is how to integrate technology in the curriculum and how to create educational content. The schools have ben doing this with varying degrees o success. The general trend for successful cases has been involvement in telecollaborative projects many of which are interdisciplinary. There is need to consolidate the efforts of these schools and to encourage the disadvantaged schools to participate.

The Project:

This project will be in form of  technology competitions among schools. Schools will be required to formulate individual projects around a theme and carry ti through so that they eventually create websites that will be submitted for judgment. Projects could be judged on the basis of innovativeness, relevance to the curriculum, tele-collaboration and team work etc. as the panel set up will decide. The projects would be presented at a national conference

Objectives of the project

The general goal is to promote the utilisation of technology in the Ugandan educational system

1. Create educational content using the power of technology

2. Enable schools that would be disadvantaged at International competitions to have a chance to participate. This would promote such schools.

3. Consolidate the efforts of already successful schools and provide ground to publish their works

4. Increase awareness among the public, policy makers etc. about the use technology in the Ugandan Educational system.

Major tangible results

Proposed Timeline  : Oct. to May 31,2001

Major prizes

1. Trip to South Africa to present the project at the 8th Annual I*EARN  International Conference

2. Present projects to a EDucational Technology Conference in Uganda

3. Scholarships in Ugandan Schools

4. Software and Hardware


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