EdTec Contest- Uganda

EdTec contest- Uganda is an ICT competition between Ugandan Schools. The project promotes the institutionalization of ICT in the main stream education system. The Contest is sponsored by SchoolNet Uganda.

See Project Details
EdTec Workshop (3rd-4th,Nov,2000)

Hot Links

  About the Project Coordinator
  What people say about the project
  Images from the 7th Annual I*EARN International Conference, Beijing China
More Images from the 7th Annual....( By Susan Jacobson )
From China : The Giant Mossaic Project (Joanne Tate)
Images from China : By Margret Riel
Building a Collaborative Web Project (World Bank Material)
Web Hosts
  Web Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites.

You are invited to join this premier project. We are in the process of building a Help Desk and expanding the Site.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at agkalema@hotmail.com